作(zuò)為(wèi)傳統制(zhì)造業中不可(kě)或缺的環節,電(diàn)鍍在創造經濟價值和(hé)工作(zuò)機會(huì)的同時(shí),對環境也造成了不可(kě)逆轉的嚴重破壞,這顯然同現代化工業的主旨背道(dào)而馳。 這一大(dà)背景下,使用過程中不會(huì)産生(shēng)任何廢液、不會(huì)破壞環境的全新噴鍍技(jì)術(shù)——納米噴鍍技(jì)術(shù)應運而生(shēng)!
in 1. new repair's rooms has irritates the nose, dazzlingly and so on irritant smells, and the long time does not disperse; 2. every morning get out of bed when felt that nauseating oppressed, have a dizzy spell; The family member catches cold frequently ......
The new home just repaired, must carry on the science to the room noxious gas the government. Some people recommended that in a indoor planter plant, actually, the plant elimination noxious gas's effect is restricted ......
The new home repair, will always not be from now on able to avoid the formaldehyde appearance. The formaldehyde is one kind of achromatic color, has the intense stimulation smell gas. The formaldehyde is the oleo stock poisonous material, can with the protein union ......